Monthly Archives: November 2012

What’s this?

Yesterday morning, mom got up early and jumped off the bed. She startled me but she started running to the living room so I followed her to make sure she was ok.

Then she came running back to the bedroom, she grabbed something and then she told me, come with me little Satchie, I have a surprise for you!

A surprise? Oh, I love surprises! Is it a treat? Is it a new toy? I asked. But mom opened the balcony door and took me outside.  This is what happened next:

Support Nine Lives Greece — buy their 2013 calendar

I’m learning all about Christmas and how you can get presents from Santa Paws if you’re a good kitty. So, I’m thinking, if you don’t know what to ask maybe you can put this calendar in your letter to Santa Paws?

I am definitely going to put it in mine =^.^=

on the road with Animalcouriers

Cordelia and her team at Nine Lives Greece manage a ‘catch, neuter and release’ programme for stray and abandoned felines around Athens. Each cat and kitten they come into contact with is individually assessed, and there are always some who are judged unable to survive on the streets.

That’s the case with the five cats who’re joining the Animalcouriers trip to the UK: two have had amputations and the other three are blind. Once they had all been neutered and had any other treatment required, Cordelia and colleagues got in touch with friends and supporters to find them loving new homes.

During the wait for new homes, the cats stay with foster carers. However long the wait is, Nine Lives Greece prefer to make sure they find absolutely the right home for each one. Needless to say, there are never enough people available to house all these vulnerable cats. The…

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So excited about this Christmas thingy!

Mom came home with this today:


She said it’s called a stocking and that on Christmas eve – If I’ve been a good girl, Santa Paws will fill it with toys and treats just for me!!!

Big bro says Christmas is great cause there’s yummy food and presents and treats and something called a Christmas tree with lots of ornaments (whatever those are). Then he starts chuckling but he won’t tell me why. Jay also says there’s snow but he doesn’t like it because it’s too cold. Mom says she loves snow so I don’t know what to think. I’ll have to wait and see, I guess.

Then, auntie Savvy told me I can write a letter to Santa Paws to tell him what I want for Christmas! And I can send that letter to Rumpy Dog and he’ll make sure Santa gets it. But Rumpy calls him Santa Dog, so I am wondering… Will Santa Dog still bring presents to a kitten like me? I hope so!

I can’t wait for Christmas. I’ve been a very good girl (but please don’t ask big brother Jay).


Here I am, being a good girl, making sure mom is safe even if I’m sleeping

Remember me?

Hello everybody.

Wow, it’s been quite a while.

A lot of things have happened, but I think big bro mentioned some of them.

I’m living full time with my human mom, my human sister and Jay now. I don’t see dad anymore and I miss him. Hope his doing well.

Then, there was Halloween

yeah, I wasn’t too happy about wearing a hat and a tutu… but I got a lot of yummy treats for it, so I guess it was OK

I finally had the surgery two weeks ago. I guess that means I’m a big girl now. Or a little ladycat, if you will. The surgery went well and I came back home full of energy and wanting to jump and play. Mom couldn’t understand how I could be in any shape for that but that’s all I wanted to do.


As soon as we got home, I started chasing Jay. And he was all like, kid, are you nuts?


Mom got me a toy for after the surgery but when she saw the way I was bunny-kicking it, she realized it had been a bad idea

But then, three days later, I stopped eating and then I got really sleepy and didn’t want to move at all, not even to play with my favourite toy so mom took me to the vet early the next morning. She was very worried.


This is me while we were waiting for the lady vet. I was NOT feeling well :(

The vet said I was dehydrated but there were no signs of infection, thank ceiling cat. They gave me subcutanous fluids and I WAS NOT happy about that. After that, they sent me home with some special kitty food to help me heal faster. As soon as we got home, I ate some of the special food and by the evening I was feeling my old self again.

Then Saturday, November 17 was the 6th month-a-versary of my Gotcha Day. The day mom heard me crying and didn’t give up on me even if it took her more than 5 hours to find me!


And this is me, all happy

So, there you go. That’s a quick update. Lots of things have happened, some of them I don’t quite understand but I am happy I have big bro to pester and mom and hu-sis to cuddle with.

I’ll leave you with a few more pics just cuz…



Doing my daily yoga routine



My favourite hangout place, mom’s dresser. Sorry the pic is a bit blurry but as soon as I see mom getting her phone, I run away

Hope you are all doing OK. Miss you all